
Monday 24 October 2011

Fun time at school (Months of the year)


This is the last topic in the Year 2 textbook syllabus. I was hoping that my students can at least grasp at least 85% of the lesson since they've learned this in Year 1.

For this topic, I only use the textbook and a radio for singing. I am happy because using a song which tune they were familiar with, helped them to remember the song well. I did drilling as well and I made a game out of the activity (taking into account that they would probably having a really fun time saying the names that they were already familiar with). I turned the passages in the textbook into jazz chants and I can see that they were really into the activity!

Nevertheless, i have forgotten that they still needed to familiarize themselves with the spelling. I have left this out and when i gave them the exercise, they managed to answer verbally but most of them (especially the LINUS and weaker students) failed to perform.

Seeing that my objectives had almost failed me, I must remember that in the future, I must also drill them in the spelling and not on the pronunciation only. The materials were already there, but I got to admit that I have forgotten to utilize it!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Games I like to play_5F


Monday 3 October 2011

Kajian Tempatan Tahun 5

KT Mengenal Malaysia

Topik ini merupakan topik yang pertama di dalam sukatan pelajaran Kajian Tempatan Tahun 5. Saya memilih tajuk ini untuk diletakkan di dalam blog yang tidak seberapa ini kerana dengan ABM inilah, murid-murid saya mula menunjukkan minat di dalam matapelajaran ini.

Di dalam aktiviti P&P ini, saya telah menggunakan PPT dan bahan-bahan maujud (kompas) untuk diperhatikan oleh pelajar. Mereka menunjukkan minat yang mendalam apabila mereka mula mengemukakan soalan-soalan yang berkaitan dengan tajuk yang diajar (walaupun ada suara-suara nakal yang mengajukan soalan yang tidak masuk akal). Melalui soaljawab dan pengetahuan sedia ada murid-murid serta visual yang nyata, objektif pelajaran bagi tajuk ini tercapai.

Saya terpaksa juga mengakui juga kelemahan saya, apabila menyedari bahawa saya hanya bergantung pada bahan yang saya sediakan sahaja dan melupakan buku teks, walhal di dalam buku teks itu juga ada terisi maklumat yang cukup untuk pengetahuan murid-murid saya. Hanya pada saat-saat akhir, saya teringat akan hal ini dan dengan sedikit kelam kabut menyuruh murid-murid saya membuka buku dan membaca maklumat dari sana.

Pada masa akan datang, saya harus lebih bersedia dan lebih mengetahui cara untuk mengintegrasikan penggunaan buku teks dengan ABM yang saya gunakan agar masa P&P dapat dimaksiakan dengan sepenuhnya. Kesilapan ini mengajar saya untuk mengambil rujukan daripada buku teks, selain daruipada bergantung kepada PSA murid-murid saya sahaja.

Kajian Tempatan Tahun 4

Perihal Rumah KT Thn4

Tajuk ini merupakan salah satu tajuk yang asas dalam matapelajaran Kajian Tempatan kerana ia berkisar tentang kehidupan murid-murid itu sendiri. Sememangnya bagi murid-murid Tahun 4, tajuk-tajuk yang diperkenalkan dan dipelajari adalah berkisarkan tentang persekitaran diri mereka, keluarga dan rakan-rakan. Tajuk-tajuk tersebut membantu mereka mambuka minda dan mengenali apakah yang sebenarnya ini di dalam matapelajaran Kajian Tempatan ini.

Kaedah yang banyak saya gunakan di dalam tajuk ini adalah soaljawab kerana soaljawab dapat membentuk minda murid untuk lebih berfikir secara cepat dan kritis. Soalan-soalan yang saya kemukakan tidak begitu mengelirukan dan saya juga menggunakan laras bahasa yang sesuai. Ramai murid memberikan respon yang baik terhadap soalan yang saya ajukan dan ada di antara mereka pula yang tampil memberikan pendapat. Persembahan PPT yang saya buat khas bagi menarik minat mereka juga berjaya membentuk aliran minda mereka dan mengetahui halatuju pelajaran pada hari tersebut.

Kelemahan untuk tajuk ini tidak begitu ketara, hanya beberapa masalah teknikal yang perlu saya perbaiki jika saya berhasrat untuk menggunakan kaedah yang sama pada masa yang akan datang. Saya tidak seharusnya memberikan soalan yang bertubi-tubi pada seorang murid sahaja tetapi patut saya agih-agihkan soalan kepada murid-murid yang lain kerana saya sendiri tersedar, apabila murid tersebut tidak dapat menjawab, saya hanya tunggu beberapa ketika sehingga dia berjaya menjawab soalan. hal ini akan menyebabkan masa terbuang begitu sahaja.

Pertama sekali, soalan yang saya ajukan perlulah terancang dan bercapah, yang mana soalan-soalan saya tidak harus tertumpu kepada seorang murid sahaja. Saya tidak perlu menunggu sekian lama untuk seorang murid memberikan pendapatnya tetapi memberikan peluang kepada orang lain menjawab dahulu, agar murid yang disoal itu mendapat idea dan seterusnya dapat menjawab soalan dengan jayanya.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Malaysia, my country Year 5F

Malaysia, My Country

This is actually the topic in the English Language Year 5 textbook that I have been waiting for because it is really connected to whatever they have learned in the subject Kajian Tempatan and Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan.

With the help of the teaching aids that I have provided for my students, I think they managed to understand what was the lesson about. They paid enough attention, which was a good call at that time and they managed to answer questions correctly (at least, more that my targeted objective). They participated actively.

I have actually wasted about 10 minutes to set up everything. I should have known beforehand that my extension wire wasn't functioning. So, I asked one of the students to go to the school ICT centre to borrow one. While waiting for him, the class was quite noisy but still under control.

Check, check and always check my thing before I start any lesson. This will leave a bad impression for my students, if it happened all the time. So, when I came home, I discard the useless wire and bought a new one.


Friday 23 September 2011

Red Rose


When it came to this topic, I know there would be a lot of reading involved. So, for this particular topic I have borrowed the CD from the school ICT centre to flash and show to my sstudents. The CD contains this topic and the CD was provided by KPM.

The CD had done a great help in maintaining the students' attention. In the CD, there were many activities that needed the students to think, answer and in the end had the chance to click on the correct answer. The software that was used in the CD was more advanced than the one I did myself (PPT presentation). My students' were very cooperative and active and I was glad that class control was also not a problem for me!

Minor error in a certain situation, although very small can cause chaos in one's lesson. I was just being lucky that my students' were in their best behaviour at that time because I had some complication handling the CD. I thought, the CD was scratched the first time I put it in because it was stuck here and there. I didn't realize that it was actually the dust. I didn't clean it but just putting it in without checking whether the condition was okay or not. I wasted a little time in this.

This technical problem should not be happening if I am being more careful. I admitted that I was quite satisfied with the lesson because even the weakest level of students were able to cooperate in the learning activity because of the excitement they were having getting involved in the topic!

Thursday 22 September 2011



This topic falls under the title "In the garden" in the Year 2 English Language textbook. I used a visual teaching aids to make the students became more familiar of the insects that they know (of the name) but haven't had the chance to actually see it. I have also checked in the textbook that these insects were not included in the textbook pages (in this particular topic), although it appeared to be in the questions in the activity book.

Bu using a visual teaching technique, such as the one that I was using (I am meaning to say this ppt teaching aid), I have helped to students to understand more of the insects which weren't included in the textbook, rather than explaining things to them verbally or trying to draw one on the board (drawing isn't my fanciest talent). This method had helped them to answer the questions correctly and most importantly, they could actually know how those insects looked like.

Although I was happy with the lesson and the teaching aids, which I thought had helped them a lot, I have forgotten that throughout the lesson, I did mostly reading and a little bit of questions and answers (verbal communication, mostly 2 ways). This only benefited the advanced and medium ability students but for the poorer students, they were actually left behind. I realized that the texts were simple, but still if I continued doing this eventually this group of students will get bored.

I need to improve and multiply the activities into various kinds. Maybe some reading, drawing, singing, categorizing or anything that would utilize the poor students' ability to think (and I have to make sure they are simple enough for them).

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Food and vegetables



This lesson was conducted in a class that consisted of multiple intelligences pupils. So, some of them were quite bright and there were some in the LINUS programme.

Multimedia technology has always made my life easier and in the same time it enabled my students to understand the lesson more effectively. In this topic, students were exposed to the varieties of vegetables and fruits, and verbal communication and explanation wouldn't be enough. In here, they were shown pictures as well as the spelling for each pictures shown. It is much easier for them to grasp the concept of the topic and in the same time, they had had a concrete mental visualization towards the topic.

Nevertheless, when I look back into the lesson there were some loopholes that lamed my lesson. For example, in this lesson I asked the pupils to read in three different ways (using the same topic, of course). I asked the whole class to read (as a start), then in groups and in the end individually. I could see that my students were getting bored waiting for their friends to finish reading, thus they started to talk. Secondly, I realize that I should be more strict in using the English Language while teaching for i realized that my students took for granted (talking in their mother tongue) when answering my questions.

Ways to improve:
To teach reading, I must not take so many methods and cram it into one activity and expect my other students to still pay attention. This is to avoid the students from losing their focus. I must also reward my students with praise and motivation, each time they try to speak using the English Language. What about the students who are still reluctant to speak? Well, continuous motivation and reward would make them budge from the stillness.
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